Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How Heavy? How Many Sets? How Many Reps?

A lot of people get confused when it comes to choosing the appropriate size weight and knowing how many sets and reps they should preform in their workouts. I'm going to break it down for you based on different fitness goals.

Recommended Training Volumes
Table provided by The American Council on Exercise (ACE)


GENERAL MUSCLE FITNESS: Get lean and toned

MUSCULAR ENDURANCE: Get lean and toned and be able to lift weights for a long/longer period of time.

MUSCULAR HYPERTROPHY: Bulk up and/or get larger muscles then you currently do. In order to bulk up you must be choosing appropriate weights and training at a intensity level of 70-80%.

MUSCULAR STRENGTH: Get stronger then you currently are and be able to lift heavier weights. It can also be defined as the maximal force a muscle or muscle group can exert during contraction.

POWER: Muscular force and speed of a movement (Olympic Weight Lifting)


Lift heavier! A lot of people do not choose a weight that is truly challenging them. The final few reps of a set should feel tough and like you can't do anymore. Lifting weights will not make you bulky, just make sure you choose the appropriate training goal that I mentioned above.

Ditch the treadmill and pick up the dumbbells! Yes, running does have its benefits but don't think by running a hour a day is going to leave you feeling skinny and toned.

Lifting lighter weights will not help you "tone up" better than heavy weights. It's actually totally opposite, lift heavier to lean and tone your body.

NIKKI PERSONAL FACT: When doing my personal lower body workouts and when I feel the leanest is when I lift at least 50lbs + for my squats, lunges, and deadlifts etc.

Want a fast and efficient workout?? Try HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). It is the best way to burn fat and reshape your body, it increases stamina and strength and offers more functional benefits than steady state cardio or heavy weight lifting.

Lastly, try to strength train at least 3 + times a week and eat as clean, lean & green as possible.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

You Workout, Now What? Tips to Living a Healthy Lifestyle!

Nutrition is key and is an essential part to reaching your health and fitness goals. Try eating as CLEAN, LEAN & GREEN as possible. What does that mean?

STAY HYDRATED -Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Drinking water will speed up your metabolism, suppress your appetie and help your body burn more fat.

EAT FRESH FRUITS & VEGGIES -Add dark leafy greens like kale and spinach into your daily diet as well as choosing a variety of colors when picking out your fruits and veggies. A more colorful plate benefits your health and also your waistline.

CONSUME LEAN PROTEIN - Eating protein throughout the day is super important if you want to achieve a lean and toned body. It speeds up your metabolism and helps your body build lean muscles.

EAT HEALTHY FATS - Yes, fat can be a positive thing! Healthy fats protect your heart and support overall health.

AVOID PROCESSED FOODS - Try to avoid processed foods and stick to whole, real nutritious foods as much as you can!

TREAT YOURSELF - Ok let's be real, most of us won't be able to eat clean, lean and green 7 days a week and that's ok. I totally believe in letting yourself indulge every once in awhile. As long as you are eating clean, lean and green 90% of the  time, it's okay to indulge that 10%. Just remember portion control and everything in moderation  :)

Finding the balance between your work and personal life can be hard, but it is important in becoming the best YOU possible! Pick a day, maybe once a week or maybe once a month to have some YOU time and just reflect. Write down all your goals; personal, work and health & fitness related, then make a plan of action of what you need to do to reach them. Need some help? I would love to grab a coffee or lunch sometime and help you organize!

Keeping track of the food you eat and the workouts you do has been proven to be very beneficial. That's why every successful weight management program suggests that you keep a food diary and/or an activity log. There are many ways to do this, here are some ideas:

ONLINE TRACKING & APPS - Health & Fitness Apps such as My Fitness Pal make it easy to log your workouts and meals right on your phone anywhere, anytime!

PAPER JOURNALS - putting actual pen to paper can be very therapeutic. You can use a normal notebook or daily planner to record your meals and workouts

STICKER CALENDAR - This is one of my favorites, nothing makes you happier and feel like a kid again than seeing a smiley face sticker on the calendar showing you worked out that day! You can set fun goals such as; get 20 stickers/workouts this month and you get to buy a new outfit, treat yourself to a fancy dinner, or something else that really motivates you. This is a fun way to compete with your significant other or best bud!